Our call for drawings - get creative

We would like to show your drawings of rainbows, post boxes, supermarkets etc in our windows. This is to cheer everyone up and to express our thanks to the NHS, blue light services in general, key workers, military services etc.

Please send us your drawing (A4 or max A3) to the clinic address: Montague Chiropractic Clinic, 148 Emscote Road, Warwick, CV34 4NG. Or you can put it through the letterbox in clinic. Write a message on it if you want and/or your name and age (if appropriate ;-)

Anyone can take part that is happy for their drawing to be displayed. Unfortunately we cannot send it back to you but once social distancing is over, you can collect it from clinic (if it had your name and address on the back of it).

The Montague Team cannot wait to receive your artwork :-)