New Consultation Times

Due to popular demand, Montague Chiropractic Clinic has extended its consultation times:

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Early Birds and Late Owls

Montague Chiropractic Clinic now offers Early Bird appointments from 6.30am on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays (yes the coffee machine will be on) and Late Owl appointments till 8pm on Mondays and Wednesdays. Saturday's consultation time is from 8.00am to 1pm, for more details click on the "contact" tab on our website. 

Hamstring injury?

Do you suffer with pain in your hamstring muscle? Did you know that there may be a link to a prior ankle injury?

An observational cohort study over 17 years found that athletes have a higher risk of hamstring injury if there was a previous injury to the ankle. Up until now, literature has not directly suggested this link, even though there is some understanding that a previous calf muscle injury can be predictive of a hamstring muscle injury. Evidence also suggests that a tight hamstring musculature has been associated with plantar fasciitis that causes pain in heel and sole.

The above findings confirm the clinical approach in Montague Chiropractic Clinic and their health care professionals where focus is not only given to the location of pain and injury but the whole limb and other associated areas. Our rehabilitation programmes for hamstring muscle pain are patient centred and can include training of proprioception (a kind of balance feedback), muscle length and strength improvement as well as addressing mechanical issues during gait analysis. 

The above study was published in the Journal of Foot and Ankle Research on 26th February 2018 by N Malliaropoulos et al. called "Higher frequency of hamstring injuries in elite track and field athletes who had a previous injury to the ankle". 

Do you get back pain when running?

There can be many causes to low back pain but this new study highlights the impact a weak core musculature can have on runners.  

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Raabe and & Chaudhari's study aimed to "identify potential strategies used to compensate for weakness of the deep core musculature during running and to identify accompanying changes in compressive and shear spinal loads". They stated that some deep core muscles contribute to the running kinematic and that weakness within can cause compensation by other muscles and lead to increased shear stresses on the spine. They found that weakened core musculature may increase runner's risk of developing low back pain. 

Their study is called: Biomechanical consequences of running with deep core muscle weakness, Journal of Biomechanics, December 2017.

At Montague Chiropractic Clinic we check your core muscle strength with targeted performance tests during the rehabilitation phase of your treatment plan and if you presented with low back pain. Our in-house sport therapist and health coach can guide further rehabilitation or support your performance improvement. Your Montague Clinic team is looking forward to meeting you.

Talking about neck pain

Neck pain is a common ailment. It may start suddenly and get better within a few days without the need for treatment. On the other hand, neck pain can be severe and debilitating, persistent or marked by repeated episodes. 

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Neck pain can have a gradual onset and be aggravated by poor posture or difficult work positions. It may be associated with pain in the arm or headache. 

Have you heard about "Text Neck"? A pain syndrome of the neck and upper back coined by a repetitive overuse of modern technology in what is considered to be poor posture. The image below indicates the extra and significant weight that has to be carried by these prolonged postures!

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Chiropractors specialise in assessing, diagnosing and managing conditions of the spine and are highly trained to find the cause of pain. At the Montague Chiropractic Clinic in Warwick we apply a patient centred approach to address the cause and effect of a painful condition but also provide valuable advice to improve circumstances and physical strength for a good outcome.


For more information, please check out our website or which is a link to the biggest and oldest UK Chiropractic Association BCA. Chiropractors at Montague Chiropractic Clinic are members of the BCA. 

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Clinic Launch Evening

Montague Chiropractic Clinic had its official opening launch. Thank you to all those that supported the event. See photos and more text below:

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All rooms had open doors and invited our guests to look around. This was an opportunity to share the clinic's vision and expansion plans and to explain what services we already offer. 

A particular note goes to Martin Durrant and to Sam Durrant. Without you, this evening would have been only half as good, if not impossible. Thank you for your loyal support and help not just at the launch, but in all the months of preparation and renovation work. 

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